Instructions to new instructor assistant ( non-teaching coordinator)

Instructions to new instructor assistant

Please read the below carefully. It is assumed that you understand the below, before you take on any assignment with us.

mandatory : MOE IRS registered ( unless otherwise stated)

Registration of coaches and instructors | MOE

1) Job Responsibilities

Provide lesson update by taking photographs and videos of the lesson.

Assist the main instructor/s to manage the class 

Keep track and maintain the lesson equipments

Collate feedback from teachers on teaching quality of the instructors 

Coordinate on lesson specifics ( such as change in venue / waiting for transport to pick up equipment and etc) 

2) Calculation of pay and working hours

You are expected to report to the school 30 minutes before lesson time .

Your pay is calculated based on your reporting time to ending time  or mark-up method , whichever is higher .

Pay is $12 an hour.

Mark-up method : The lessons are usually 2 hours or more or less than 2 hours

1) 2 hours weekly class  -1.5 mark up

For 2 hours class, 
You will be paid 2 hours X $12 X 1.5 mark up= $36

2) 1 hour weekly class of less than 2 hours -2 markup

For 1 hour class,
You will be paid 1 hours X $12 X 2 markup = $24

3) 3 hours or more weekly class 

No mark up. normal reporting method applies.


Eg if you take on a 2 hours weekly class ( 3pm to 5pm), your pay per lesson under the mark-up method is $36. If we require you to stay back after class or report earlier to the school and stay later than lesson timing, eg you report at 2pm and ends at 5.30pm your lesson is from 3pm to 5pm, your reporting hours is 3.5 hours, hence under normal reporting timing method, your pay is $42. 

In this case, your pay is $42. 

Most of our valued instructors and assistants have worked with us since 2018 and they are prioritized for assignments 

You can choose the assignments to suit your own schedule. However ,once commit to the dates, there should be no change. If there are changes with no valid reasons , we have the right to alter your remaining assignments as deem fit, or to re-allocate upcoming assignments as deem fit. If there are changes for more than 3 times in a year, we will terminate your services. 

3) Submission of salary claim ( monthly)

For submission of salary claim , please refer to 

Freelancer claim form

Type of lessons

Please refer to below for the types of programmes that you will be assigned to 

CCA Drone Programme – From Novice to Expert

1a) CCA Basic Drone Programme – 12 hours block programming

1b) CCA Competition Training for one category( Block programming)-10 to 18 hours

Type of competition:

Drone Odyssey Drone Coding ( July)

Air Land Conquest AI Alliance ( Nov)

Air Land Conquest Drone Maze Tournament ( Nov)

Aerial Drone Competition ( TBA)

2a) CCA Basic Drone Programme – Python programming  12 hours

2b) CCA Competition Training for one category ( Python)-10 to 18 hours

Type of competition:

Drone Odyssey AI Visual Sensing ( July)

Air Land Conquest Drone Maze Tournament ( Nov)

Aerial Drone Competition ( TBA)


3a) CCA Basic Drone Swarming -12 hours programme ( Block Programming or Python)

3b) CCA Competition Training / Commercial drone performance – 10 to 18 hours

Type of competition : Drone Odyssey Drone Swarming ( Mar) , Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition Drone Swarming ( Mar), school’s drone light show curated by students for VIP events


4) CCA advanced training drone flying  - First Person View Flight 
20 hours programme

Type of competition: Singapore Amazing Flying Machine First Person View Flight ( Novice and Advanced) (Mar) , Asia Drone Championship ( Nov/Dec)

5. Career Exploration Series /Cohort-based programme ( 4 to 10 hours)


Build a drone

Drone Obstacle ( piloting)

Drone Obstacle

( Coding)

Multiple Drone



AI Drone

Advanced AI Drone

( Obstacle Avoidance)


Drone or other themes

Creating a drone light show

Paper Plane





 6.Special Programmes ( based on programmes we have conducted for high ability students)

We can customize the programme or competition training according to your students’ learning preferences and school’s KPI


AIR LAND CONQUEST 2024 – 65Drones

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