DJI RoboMaster Youth Championship 2023 Singapore
Competition has ended.
Register your interest for Robomaster Youth Tournament 2023 competition here
DJI Robomaster Challenge ( open category) -for all schools ( including non MOE schools)
Competition Dates: 15, 16 May 2023
Venue: National University of Singapore
Shaw Foundation Alumni House
11 Kent Ridge Dr, Singapore 119244
RoboMaster Youth Championship (RMYC) is organized to evolve the current robotic competition standards into the whole new level that excite and interests of our next generation in engineering and robotic. DJI Education builds on success of their flagship RoboMaster University Competition which attracted more than 300 teams from various renowned international university annually and uncovered engineering talents for DJI.
RoboMaster 2023 Youth Championship Singapore is a national level competition as the champion, first runner-up, second runner-up and third runner-up teams of RoboMaster 2022 Youth Championship Singapore may choose to represent Singapore at either RoboMaster 2023 Youth Championship Final in China where all top teams of RoboMaster 2023 Youth Championship will compete for the grand champion, or at DJI RoboMaster International Game to compete using remote access technologies with teams from other countries.
Competition Rules Overview
RoboMaster 2023 Youth Championship requires teams to engineer the hardware of the DJI Robomaster EP and code AI capabilities of DJI Robomaster EP for a 4 vs 4 tactical game. In the 4 vs 4 game, the team has to defend their base and attack the opponent’s base using DJI Robomaster EP and TT drones. Video on competition:
There are three robot roles in RoboMaster 2023 Youth Championship, namely 2 Warriors, 1 Engineer and 1 drone. Their missions are:

Equipment required :
DJI RoboMaster TT Drone – 65Drones (at least 1)
Robomaster EP and EP Core – 65Drones (at least 3)
Email for competition packages.
Rules Manual
Please download RoboMaster 2022 Youth Championship Rule Manual via the following links to know more about equipment requirements and competition rules for Primary, and Junior and Senior groups.
RMYC 2023 rulebook - Google Drive
( updated 16 April 2023)
Prizes- DJI certificate for all participating team members.
- Trophy for winning teams.
- Offer to represent Singapore in either RMYC 2022 Final in China or RoboMaster International Games (via remote access) for champion, first runner-up, second runner-up, and third runner-up of Secondary and Senior Category.
Competition Groups and Team
There are three competition groups in RoboMaster 2022 Youth Championship Singapore, namely Primary, Secondary and Senior Group. The age requirements for the three groups are:
- Primary group: 8 to 12 years old. (Refer to Primary Group Rules Manual)
- Secondary group: 13 to 16 years old. (Refer to Junior and Senior Group Rules Manual. Age limit updated to 16 years old to align to student age criteria of most countries' secondary schools as RYMC is an international competition)
- Senior group: 16 to 19 years old. (Refer to Junior and Senior Group Rules Manual)
Each team requires at least four members and up to six members where one of the members is a team leader and kindly refer to Operator Line-up section of the Rules Manual for roles of team members.
Only one Trainer/Teacher as Team Manager. The team must be full-time students from Singapore MOE schools.
Each member can only participate in one team. Up to 4 teams per school.
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