These pod frames are an alternate take on the original Mixuko, with a 3d printed pod instead of carbon and standoffs. The pod is designed for HS 1177 sized fpv cams, which screw in through the sides and click in at 40, 50, and 60 degrees of tilt.
The pod is printed from TPU and is virtually indestructible. The 5" frame is cut from 4mm carbon, the 4" frame from 3mm carbon. The 4" frame supports 220x and 180x sized motors, only 2 screws can be used for 220x motors. The 5" frame is 88 grams, the 4" is 71.
Pods are available for 2.8 or 2.1 lenses.
Pods are available in orange, red, lime green, blue, black, silver, yellow, violet, and peacock green. During checkout, please make a note on your preferred color. Default is yellow.